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Test Your Skills With Scored APR Practice Exam

Raise your comfort level and increase your confidence as you prepare to take the APR exam with a new resource from the Universal Accreditation Board. The UAB has taken a few retired test items to create a scored practice exam. After completion, test-takers see their results, with the percentage answered correctly, and can review the rationale supporting each correct and incorrect answer.

NSPRA members can purchase 14-day access to the online exam for only $35 using the special coupon code APRPRACTICE

To apply the discount code, NSPRA members will have to create a free account on the PRSA website or login with an existing PRSA account before making the purchase. This discount is available only to UAB participating organizations' members, and the non-member exam fee is $145. 

Whether you’re at the beginning of your APR journey or well on your way, the practice exams and other resources are designed to help you navigate the process with confidence.