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Four Candidates Running for NSPRA Executive Board in 2024

Author: NSPRA Staff/Wednesday, June 5, 2024/Categories: News

NSPRA is governed by an Executive Board composed of 13 officers, and three of those positions are up for election in 2024. The annual election of officers is conducted in August unless a race is uncontested, in which case NSPRA Bylaws allow the board to affirm candidates by acclamation.  The following four candidates are running for the listed offices:

Shayla Cannady

President-elect Candidate (1 of 2)
Shayla Cannady
Chief Communications Officer
Chiefs for Change
Orlando, Fla.


Erica Chandler

President-elect Candidate (2 of 2)
Erica Chandler, APR
Director of Communications
Affton School District
St. Louis, Mo.


David Beil

Northwest Region Vice President Candidate
David Beil
Executive Director of Communications and Community Relations 
Central Kitsap School District
Bremerton, Wash.


Kate Crowder

Southeast Region Vice President Candidate
Kate Crowder
Communications Supervisor
Germantown Municipal School District
Germantown, Tenn.


These candidates will be introduced to association members during the Annual Meeting and the Regional Colleague Connections meetings at the NSPRA 2024 National Seminar on Sunday, July 14. During the Annual Meeting, the Executive Board can also take action to affirm the uncontested candidates. For the contested position of president-elect, NSPRA professional members will be invited to vote on the two candidates in August. New officers will begin their terms on Oct. 1.

Get to know all of the 2024 Executive Board candidates by clicking on their name above to read what they shared about their professional backgrounds and thoughts on school public relations.

The Executive Board includes a president, president-elect, immediate past-president, vice president for diversity engagement, seven regional vice presidents and two appointed vice presidents at-large. The president-elect serves one year in office before assuming the presidency, and the president serves one year in office before becoming the immediate past-president for a year. Regional vice presidents and the vice president for diversity engagement each serve a three-year term, while the vice presidents at-large each serve a two-year term.

While serving on the Executive Board, elected officers must fulfill their duties in accordance with NSPRA Bylaws. These duties may include:

  • Doing whatever may be necessary for the furtherance of the purposes of the association, the attainment of the purposes of the Articles of Incorporation, and the study and teaching of its ideals, its ethics and its unique features or organization;
  • Assisting the president in preparing programs for the Annual Meeting and other meetings of the association;
  • Authorizing appointment of all committees;
  • Formulating policies for the program and services of the association; and
  • Directing the Executive Director in the depositing or investing of such moneys as the association may receive and in business arrangements made on behalf of the association.

Learn more about the Executive Board and annual elections.


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