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Save the Date for the NSPRA 2023 National Seminar!

Author: NSPRA Staff/Wednesday, November 30, 2022/Categories: News

NSPRA 2022 Seminar attendeesThis year's Seminar marks the return of a fully in-person event!

July 16-19, 2023 
Union Station Hotel, St. Louis, Mo.

Registration, hotel block and call for proposals will open later this winter. Scholarship applications for the NSPRA 2023 National Seminar are now being accepted.

Destination Success is the only stop scheduled on the NSPRA 2023 National Seminar train, and we can't wait for you to jump on board!

Save the date to join colleagues from across the United States, Canada and beyond on July 16-19, 2023, at the Union Station Hotel in the electrifying city of St. Louis, Mo., for the largest communications-focused professional development event for school public relations professionals and education leaders.

"The NSPRA National Seminar is the best possible professional development you can receive in school PR. 

— NSPRA 2022 National Seminar Attendee

Visit the NSPRA 2023 National Seminar Page to Learn More!


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