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Introducing the New

Author: NSPRA Staff/Wednesday, September 21, 2022/Categories: News

NSPRA is excited to welcome you to the association's new website! Designed based on member research and feedback, the new features a customized user experience, updated member dashboard and much, much more.

Members, log in to the new following the steps below to tailor your website experience, access your member record and more!

1. Set your password.

Click the Login button at the top lefthand corner of the homepage.

Your password for the old NSPRA website will not work, so you'll need to reset it by clicking the “Retrieve Password” button. Enter your email address for a temporary password that you can reset once receiving

2. Access your Member Dashboard.

Once logged in, access your member dashboard by clicking on the “Member Dashboard” button on the homepage, or by navigating to it from the main navigation menu.

Your dashboard will display important information about your membership, including your next renewal date.

You can also save a payment method to your account, view recent receipts or invoices and see which events you’ve registered for.

You can also access the member directory here.

3. Update your member profile.

Click on the “Profile” icon in the Member Dashboard to update your member record. This will be especially important if you change jobs or email addresses.

Accredited in public relations? Be sure to check the box in your profile!

4. Select your areas of school PR interest.

Toggle to the last tab in your profile labeled “Interests” and select the your areas of school PR interest.

Then, click on the Recommendations Just for You page under the “PR Resources” menu to see articles, products, and upcoming events tailored to you! Finally, browse the members-only Samples and Resources pages to find a variety of sample campaign plans, strategies and tactics from fellow school PR professionals on wide range of topics.

Watch the short video for a virtual tour of the new site and get started!

To view this video with subtitles, visit


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