Rubrics of Practice and Suggested Measures, 2020 Edition (Digital Download)

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Is your school communication program emerging, established or exemplary?

Find out with NSPRA’s Rubrics of Practice and Suggested Measures© - Fourth Edition.

  • Self-assess the current state of your school communication program against rubrics in six critical function areas:

    • Comprehensive planned communications

    • Internal communications

    • Parent/family communications

    • Marketing/branding communications

    • Crisis communications

    • Bond/finance election plans and campaigns

  • Assign quantifiable measures to your work.

  • Compare your results with high-performing programs, and identify ways to evolve your program to the next level.

  • Correlate your communication results with other key performance indicators in your school district (e.g., student performance results, staff engagement results, enrollment changes) to demonstrate value and to support requests for additional communication resources.

  • This benchmarking tool for school communications includes a rating feature that will streamline your department or school district’s self-evaluation process.

ISBN: 0-87545-136-5

Number of pages: 110

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Product Picture of 222-10102