Membership Application

  • Membership Type
  • Basic Info
  • Contact Info
  • Alternate Address
  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Totals

Membership Type

Professional Member

A person who has professional responsibilities in educational public relations in a non-profit or not-for-profit capacity (i.e., school district, education agency, government agency) is eligible for NSPRA professional membership. Professional members receive all membership materials, benefits and access to resources; have the right to vote and to hold office; and may apply to become candidates for Universal Accreditation.

The "additional" membership option is for an individual/school district whose organization already has at least one other current NSPRA membership.

The School District Professional Subscription service is offered for one (1) employee of a district that has policies prohibiting individual association memberships. The subscription provides for one person the same benefits as a professional membership; it is not a multi-person subscription.

- $295.00
- $280.00
- $295.00
- $280.00

A paid, active membership granted to a particular person in a school district/organization may be transferred to a different person within that same school district/organization for the remaining term of the membership only upon the request of the person originally granted the membership. Membership is held by a person, not by the person's employer.


A person who is interested in and supportive of educational public relations is eligible for NSPRA associate membership. Associate-level members receive membership materials, benefits, and access to resources similar to professional-level members, but are not eligible to vote, run for office or apply to become candidates for accreditation.

The "additional" membership option is for an individual/school district whose organization already has at least one other current NSPRA membership.

The School District Associate Subscription service is offered for one (1) employee of a district that has policies prohibiting individual association memberships. The subscription provides for one person the same benefits as an associate membership; it is not a multi-person subscription.

- $205.00
- $190.00
- $205.00
- $190.00

A paid, active membership granted to a particular person in a school district/organization may be transferred to a different person within that same school district/organization for the remaining term of the membership only upon the request of the person originally granted the membership. Membership is held by a person, not by the person's employer.

Professional Partner

A person who has professional responsibilities in educational public relations in a for-profit capacity may become a NSPRA professional partner. Professional partners receive all membership materials, benefits and access to resources and may apply to become candidates for Universal Accreditation, but may not vote and are not eligible to hold office.

The "additional" membership option is for an individual whose organization already has at least one other current NSPRA membership.

- $295.00
- $280.00
Retired & Student
Retired: A person who has retired from responsibilities in educational public relations is eligible for a retired professional membership. Retired members receive membership materials, benefits and access to resources similar to professional-level members and are eligible to maintain accreditation, but are not eligible to vote or run for office.
Student: A person who is currently enrolled in a secondary school or higher education institution is eligible for student membership. Student members receive membership materials, benefits and access to resources similar to associate-level members, but are not eligible to vote, run for office or apply to become candidates for accreditation.
- $125.00
- $115.00

Basic Info

The member's Alternate Email Address will be used by NSPRA staff to contact member in the event that a work email is used as "username" above and it is no longer accessible by the member.

Not Applicable
Enter the handle name only. Do not include the @ sign or any other part of the URL; e.g., the handle for the NSPRA Twitter account ( is "npsra".
Please select the name of your school district, organization or company by using the dropdown menu. For a faster search experience, click the arrow on the dropdown menu and type the first few letters of the name.

If your school district/organization is NOT listed, select "Other" to add it to the system for the first time or, if you think there may be at least one existing NSPRA membership on record for your school district/organization, please go back and select an "additional" membership type.
Please select the name of your school district, organization or company by using the dropdown menu. For a faster search experience, click the arrow on the dropdown menu and type the first few letters of the name.

If your school district/organization is NOT listed, it has no existing NSPRA membership on record and you are not eligible for an "additional" membership type. Please go back and select a non-additional membership type.
Please select the name of your school district, organization or company by using the dropdown menu. For a faster search experience, click the arrow on the dropdown menu and type the first few letters of the name.

If you do not see your School District, Organization or Company, please select "Other".

Contact Info

Billing All invoices will be billed to this address
Work Phone
Postal Mail
SMS Text
Cell Phone

Alternate Address (Optional)

Demographics (Optional)

NSPRA asks the following questions to aid our outreach, diversity and inclusion efforts. Answering is voluntary, and your answers are not used to determine membership or program eligibility or benefits. NSPRA does not share individual, personally identifiable demographic information with any outside groups.



No payment required. Total is $0.00.

Payment Options
There is a % surcharge on credit card transactions to cover merchant fees.

For products and/or services submitted with a Purchase Order (PO), please remit payment within 30 days of the invoice date. If a PO is not readily available, please indicate "will email" in lieu of a PO number. Email PO copy within seven (7) days to

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Billing Information

Membership Dues




Credit Card Surcharge


